Virtual Private Network

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Connect with QCloud cloud using an enterprise grade secure Virtual Private Network.

Protect your data across the public Internet with virtual private network (VPN) software. QCloud Managed VPN service gives you a secure, seamless way to access cloud resources from anywhere in the world using any device.



IPsec offers the ability to create persistent, secure tunnels across a public network. QCloud supports connections between networks (“gateway to gateway”) as well as connections between users on untrusted networks and their secure applications ("host to gateway"). Users can quickly provision a site to site VPN via the self-service Control Portal.

No Extra Charge

Each account gets its own isolated client virtual private network at no charge.

Simple Configuration

You can create an easy-to-use VPN connection by specifying parameters on the console and configuring it with your system.

Immediately Accessible

Allows you to purchase VPN connections on demand. The connections are immediately accessible upon creation.


Flexible & Scalable

QCloud’s VPN allows you to extend your local data center into QCloud’s Cloud, with an in-built ability to meet application and service scaling requirements.

Ensured Data Integrity & Security

QCloud’s network hardware encrypts data based on IKE and IPsec with carrier-class reliability and ensures VPN connection stability.


We understand that your time is precious, therefore we have designed QCloud’s VPN to be configured and accessible in no time.

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