Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft ® SQL SERVER

An intelligent, relational database service which you can set up, operate, and scale with few clicks.

SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. QCloud SQL Database Service makes it simple to set up, operate, and scale SQL Server deployments in the cloud. With QCloud SQL Database Service, you can deploy multiple editions of Microsoft SQL Server including Express, Web, Standard and Enterprise in few minutes with cost-effective and re-sizable compute capacity. QCloud SQL Database Service gives you time to focus on application development by managing your database including provisioning, patching, monitoring, taking backups and infrastructure scaling


Faster Time

Accomplish faster time - to provision infrastructure for SQL Server in hours versus weeks to months.


Scale infrastructure resources – as your data requirements.

Cost Effective

Decrease cost - by paying for only the infrastructure assets and resources that you need and use.


Bring your own license – leverage your existing licensing investment with no extra licensing fees. Pay for the licenses monthly on leasing model.

High Availability

DB Incident Management, Configuration Management, Patch management, Interfacing with Database vendors and DB security patches management in coordination with the Customer.

Database Monitoring

Database processes. Database response time. 24x7x365 monitoring. Proactive notification

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